Title: Much A-dur About Nothing - Lee Shi Mei and Lim Yan in Recital
Venue: Esplanade Recital Studio
Date: Saturday 6 April 2019
Time: 7.30pm
Tickets at $30 and $25 (student/NSF/seniors concession) available at https://much-adur-about-nothing.peatix.com/
Korngold’s exquisite incidental music to Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About Nothing anticipates his later success as a film composer, from which four colourful character pieces make up the Suite for Violin and Piano.
Flanking this are two monumental pieces in A-Dur (A major) - Beethoven’s emotionally-charged “Kreutzer” Sonata, and the ever-popular Franck Sonata, written as a wedding gift for the violinist Eugene Ysaÿe who performed it for guests on his wedding day!
Join Singaporean musicians Lee Shi Mei and Lim Yan in this programme of dramatic and well-loved violin and piano music.
This recital is kindly supported by the National Arts Council and The Arts Fund.